
Live fully. Love deeply. Engage authentically.

After more than a decade as an online marketer, I have decided to embrace what some people might say is the “woo” side of me: an Energy Healer, who practices Reiki and channels Light Language. Fear of judgment kept me from being the fullest expression of myself. God has blessed me with many talents and abilities, so it’s time for me to stop hiding and start shining my light as an energy healer, speaker, author, mastermind facilitator and SEO copywriter!

Check out the offerings below to see how best I can help you in your life and business:

FYI – my birth name is Gloria Grace, but in a channeling session, I was told that Gloria is my past and Grace is my future.  You’ll still see both names on this website, but I now prefer to be called Grace. 

My Story

My older sister’s transition from cancer in 2016 accelerated a spiritual journey that started in 2005 when I first became certified in Reiki I and II.

Two months before her death, I received what I call a “divine download” to write a book about love. It took me several years to realize that this idea was given to me because I had to learn how to love myself. The resulting book, “Live. Love. Engage. – how to stop doubting yourself and start being yourself,” was published in 2021.

The reason why I didn’t love myself? Like many people, our family was far from perfect. My dad was an alcoholic, and my mom was abusive. Despite their shortcomings, they loved me, and provided me with opportunities like Girl Scouts, music, and dance lessons. And for that, I will be forever grateful to them.

In fact, music has been the one constant in my life, and the thing that has always brought me the most joy. I didn’t pursue music as a career but spent many years singing in church choirs. It’s no surprise that the songs I loved to sing the most involved the word “light” such as “This Little Light of Mine,” or “I Want to Walk as a Child of the Light.”

I first heard light language at a business conference, and the experience moved me to tears. Several months later, my business coach (who also channeled light language) encouraged me to channel it, and I’ve been doing it ever since – singing it and speaking it.

I believe that we are whole, created in the image of God. If we don’t feel good mentally, physically, or spiritually, it’s likely because we’re out of alignment with our higher self. I call on my guides, angels, and other spiritual beings to help my clients restore that connection so they can be whole again.

If any of what I’ve shared resonates with you, I understand. I know what it’s like to need support, and I’d love to be that for you.